George Adamson ca 1774 - 1805

Transcription and will image  furnished by
Sue Fritz

This page created on 12 October 2004.

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Record of Wills, Book A
Onslow County, North Carolina

In the name of God: I, George H. Adamson, being in perfect memory and health will and bequeath all of my estate that the Lord my Savior has blessed me with as follows, it being for the love I assure her, Mary Averett, now called M Adamson.
Item: I will and bequeath to Mary Averett, now called M Adamson, that is first of all, I lend to her during her life, one Negro woman called Heather,
three feather beds and three bed steads, one mare and colt, ten head of sheep, thirty head of hogs, six head of cattle, two potts and hooks and handels, one frying pan, two large pewter basons, six sitting chairs, two woolen wheels and two linen wheels, one chest, one loom and four cogs and gears and all of the rest of my estate real and personal.  I lend to Mary Averett, now called M Adamson, as above mentioned and furthermore, I give Penelope Adamson one
English shilling.
Item: I give to John Adamson one English shilling of my estate and no more and Peter H. Adamson one shilling of English money and no moreand Mary M Adamson I give one English Shilling and no more.
Item: and after the death of Mary Averett, now called M Adamson, I give all of my estate real and personal to my son and daughter (viz) George H. Adamson that was born of Lelah H. Bullock and Lelah M. Adamson, born of Mary Averett, now called M Adamson, to be equally divided between the aforesaid George and Lelah.  And furthermore I appoint John Wilkins to see that after the above Mary is deceased that George above, Lelah above, that the above estate that I have given them be equally divided between the two or on executors as witness my hand and affixed my seal the six day of November, One thousand seven hundred and ninety two (6 Nov 1792).

-----George H. Adamson (seal)

Signed sealed and delivered in present of us
Henry Haynes
Margeret (X) Turner

Onslow:  In court April term 1796
This will of George H. Adamson was proven by Henry Haynes, L. John Wilkins the
executor qualified thereto.
R. W. Mead (Snead?)

The within will is a true copy from the original in the clerk office of the
County of Onslow, this 20 Feby 1805.
Nathaniel Loomis, C.S.C.


Other related information:

Click here to see:
Statement by Nathaniel Loomis
the Will Jacket